Welcome to the SaXy Ladies blog! The SaXy Ladies is comprised of Sally and Xandra. We met at Scrap Orchard when we both posted about wanting partners for the Amazing Digital Scrapbooking Race season 4. We decided to pair up, and found out as we were getting to know each other that we also have tons in common and have become pretty good friends already. Sally is a 33 year old mom to a 10 year old daughter and Xandra is 24 and mom to 2 year old twins (Can you even imagine?!?). We both have pretty good significant others who if not understand, at least tolerate our obsession with the digi-scrapping world. Xandra is a VERY talented digi designer and Sally just loves to play with the designs others come up with. We decided to start this blog to keep up with and document our fabulous journey through the world of ADSR4. Hopefully, it will be somewhat entertaining to those who might stumble upon it. We know we entertain ourselves, we just hope we can entertain others as well, LOL.

So, welcome again. Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. Feel free to comment, or not, it's up to you. Give us a cheer when we complete an assignment on our way to completing the race! Every so often we might post a question (Xandra's really good at coming up with good ones, lol)on here just to see what kind of responses we might get, just for fun.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Lol, ok...well...Xandra and I have both kind of let this blog go over the last couple of weeks, both been super busy with all kinds of stuff. ADSR is moving right along, and so far Team Saxy Ladies has been checked in through Challenge 7. Ok.....so to catch our loyal readers (all 3 of you, lol) up....here's a review of challenges 4-7, lol.

Challenge 4 was to create a LO with the theme "The Art and Soul of It." The LO had to include at least 3 "artsy" elements, and journaling. This one was really tough for me, as it was completely out of my comfort zone, and while I'm not LOVING the result, I'm proud of myself for getting there, and I'll continue to attempt this style as I do like the way some of the elements look. So here are Xandra's and my LO's for Challenge 4.



Challenge 5 was to scrap a LO with NO photos and 3 frames. This was tough too, because we're all used to scrapping a photo, LOL. Here are our LO's.



Challenge 6 was a "roadblock" meaning that only one partner completed the challenge. The challenge was to take a LO of your partners, flip it horizontal or vertical, then rotate it 45 degrees and scraplift it, LOL. This was a little tricky, but I lifted one of Xandra's LO's and here was the result:

And finally Challenge 7. We were given a kit and told that we had to use EVERY piece of that kit in a LO. We weren't so crazy about the kit, LOL, but pleased with our results. Here are our LO's for Challenge 7.



And now...we're all caught up! LOL....for full credits on these LO's, please visit our galleries at NDISB using the links on the right. And....now we wait for Challenge 8!!

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